lunedì 7 settembre 2009

Willem Fred


" Beauty and Uglyness"

I'll show, with my Fax-copy machine and the manipulations of the scanner, to create and mix new images with a model, found in magazines.

I clone faces and bodys, writting too, and it appaer new effect, new digital images,

like a DJ who mix and transform differents Musics, I use the technology to Create a new image and style.

Often I clone celebritys , and for me its a tribute to Mikael J. too use his face.

His face start black to finish white and cloned.

Beauty to uglyness.

Fred Willem-

Artist-photographer-and digital performer,

inventor of the Scanner-art(Faxart)


1993 Start studies in artschool "la Cambre " in Brussels

1993 stop studies at "la Cambre",
travels in Marocco, Turkya,indonesia, Nepal, Thailand,....

1994 discover of the Scanner-art( Faxart),

performances for Belgian and French TV,

and somes articles for magazines , newspapers

1995 Start exhibition in the Street in Brussels, ( Raylways station,Parc,...)

1995 exhibition at the Freedom Theatre -London

1996 travels around the world

2001 start argentik photography( double exposure)

2002 work like photographer for the Techno club -"Fuse" in Brussels

2002 french television for the scanner art ( culturo-Canal +)

2003 Faxart - performance in the Gallery " Artcor" , street Richelieu-Paris

few edition of photography in differents newspapers , magazines, like "Image- magazine"(paris),"le Soir " Belgium,.....

2004 official photographer for the "Moulin-Rouge " Paris

2005-2006 travel in Buenos Aires

2007 Berlin, first exhibition at the "Foto-shop"gallery : Scanner-art performance

2008 new galery in Beirut -performance and photo-exhibition " Artlounge Gallery"

2008 edition in " Exberliner magazine" and cover for the " AGenda culturel" magazine Beirut

Curator: Pietro Franesi