venerdì 19 giugno 2009


Curator: Marcello Balzani
Artist: O3

From Nub, nubes, lead us to the evanescent cloud representing the difficult perception of reality, which can be considered as a static representation or a dynamic pick-up, but also to the nub of the problem and centre of immaterial configuration. The spirit of Nub Art consists in the attempt to configure physical space through morphometric gradients associated with postural, behavioral, proxemic, pshycoperceptive features. The body, vibrating in the cloud of geometric reference dots that describe his position in the space, is not only the wrapping.

We can access to an immersive investigative possibility (to surf) and extractive (to cut into slices) of the morphological domain. Bodies and space are no more static or dynamic images in the world, but also Vesalian geometric ready to be cut by Leonardo, associated to psychical an behavioral investigations able to fill the gaps and re-organize the space between the millions of coordinates x, y, z. The space of the traditional geometric representation, in the qualitative density of clouds points, returns to be marginal, fissured, porous, oblique, similar to the one experienced from the conscious life. To enter in the cloud is a little bit as being inside the fog, sailing blacked-out, waiting for the impact…. But also as looking the egg of the snake, the transparency of the wrapping, what we really are inside.